Tuesday, 9 July 2013


So on Saturday 6th July myself, my sister and my friend Marcelle all ventured up to Queen Elizabeth II Park, Stratford to see not one band, not two bands but SIX amazing bands perform live as part of Mumford and Sons Stampede before their Stopover Tour (which I'm also going to). I won't bore you with the logistics of the event (getting back was a nightmare- someone referred to the amount of people rushing to the tube station as similar to a scene from World War Z with Brad Pitt. It was insane) so I'll just skip to describing each of the performances in turn.

Number One- Bear's Den
I won't lie to you guys, I was a little hesitant about this opening band. I'd never heard of them nor really cared for them. I was more excited about the other acts. BUT BOY WAS I WRONG. The sheepish looking threesome (Andrew Davie, Kev Jones and Joey Haynes) sang and played with such passion and cuteness that the entire crowd was bemused with how good they actually were. Their sound is very 'Mumford-ish' with banjo in tow and folk-like melodies, but there was something else. Something intangible that made me relax, listen and enjoy their beautiful sound in the boiling heat. I should also point out the skill of thee drummer/bassist who at one point played both instruments at the same time!! Cray. I thoroughly enjoyed their performance and they were a great introduction for the rest of the show. Check out their song 'Pompeii' (no, no resemblance to Bastille) HERE and show some love for them on their twitter here

Number 2- HAIM
All I can say about their performance is WOW. I've been a fan for almost a year now, so I was eager to see them live and see if the energy they exude in their songs was demonstrated on stage. They blew me and I think everyone else in the crowd too, away. The hair-flicking, leg-kicking- tongue wagging rockstar behavior grabbed everyone's attention and showed the perfect balance of sexiness and power in their performance. Opening with 'Better Off' then 'Don't save me', 'Falling', 'Go Slow' and ending with 'Forever' breaking down into the awesomest drum trio was exhilarating both for them and the crowd. They made thier point: they're badasses and they know it!! It was also great to see a cheeky grin from Winston (Mumford and Sons) who was watching backstage throughout their entire performance. He looked like a proud father witnessing his daughter's first school play- but in front of 65,000 parents. I half expected him to run on stage and scream "HELL YEAH MO FOs" at one point. I can only say that my love for HAIM has increased beyond belief. I've purchased a vintage leather jacket and am looking into drum and bass lessons. Girls, if you need a fourth sister, I'm your girl!! 

Numero 3- Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
I think Alex may have been on drugs. Yes, that is a very broad presumption to make after one performance, but I was not the only one to think this. His mellowness and inability to stand still, followed by the swigs of wine instead of water in-between songs. I shouldn't be too hard on him though- he's a great entertainer. He jumped off stage, asked people to hold him up as he stood on the barriers and then pulled people over the barriers to dance. I was loving it! He was very close to us and yes, I wanted to feel his hair and yes, I was a little jealous I wasn't able to dance with him. But I'm clearly not bitter at all. 'Man on fire' and 'Home' were the highlights of their set and I loved the band- a real group of misfits that all fit perfectly together somehow. Near the end, with five minutes of their set remaining they decided to ask people in the audience to tell them story. One man exclaimed that he was "pissed" and proceeded to tell 64,999 people that he kissed a dog. Ok...the following girls then screamed how much they loved him down the microphone to which Alex replied calmly and sweetly "I love you too". He then offered to film a girl who was filming their set on her phone (I would have passed out in true fan girl style). Finally, with time still remaining they asked a few fans what song they should play next to which someone begged "TRUTH". Eddy was a little hesitant- he said he didn't think that song was appropriate to end, however the band started and an amazing performance was closed with a truly amazing song. Check it out HERE

Number 4- Ben Howard
I was incredibly eager to seen Ben perform. I was introduced to his music almost 2 years ago by a friend and I have not looked back. As a huge fan, I was expecting big things from dear Benjamin, and he did not disappoint. Opening with 'Only Love' the crowd errupted during the chorus: 'ONLY LOVE, ONLY LOVE'. I've got to admit however, that I was not a huge fan of his set list. I felt he could have played more of the classics, he played quite a few new songs which the crowd didn't know, making it quite an awkward performance for us. Or maybe it was just me. Nevertheless I was so glad to see him live!! 

Number 5- Vampire Weekend
Right before the show I counted to number of VW songs I knew on one hand. 'Cousins', 'Step', 'A-Punk', 'Holiday', 'Diane Young' and 'Giving up the gun'. That may be six actually. I may have included a toe...
I was hoping, praying they would play a majority of them so I could jump around and pretend to know all the lyrics. Not only did they play them all (YAAAY) the ones I didn't know, my sister and I have now gotten a very unhealthy obsession with. 'Yah-Hey' and 'Oxford Comma' are now huge favorites of mine. Yes, it's only been 3 days. I don't care. EZRA, MARRY ME?! I also need to mention a particular highlight- the bassist's dancing is phenomenal!! Within 10 minutes on stage his shirt was transparent! I don't know where he gets the energy? I want to dance with him in the club. What?  Yes.

I won't lie to you. I got goosebumps throughout their entire set. I am in awe at their musicianship, stage presence, inclusion and passion. It was like watching my best mate's band with 65000 people randomly showing up and knowing all the words. I felt personally connected to them and I didn't want to leave. I loved everything- the set list, the moment they pretended they weren't coming back, the moment the crowd cheered for Ted (who recently underwent surgery for a brain tumor), the moment confetti sprayed us, the crowd singing happy birthday to 'Adam', the final performance with all the acts on one stage...I could go on and on. If I had to pick my favorite performance, it would have to be 'Dustbowl Dance' and 'Babel'. They are my favorite songs from each album and the band did not disappoint. Oh no, just got a flashback of 'Winter Winds'!! That was just fantastic! Every song was brilliant, let me just say that.
I am so happy and excited to be able to see them again next week at the Stopover in Lewes! If that much can be packed into one evening, what more 2 whole days of amazing music, with amazing people in an amazing location. Gentlemen, I'm coming for you.

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