Tuesday 19 March 2013


Yes, you heard me.  JT is back and I think I speak on behalf of all women when I say: THANK YOU LORD.

His new album 'The 20/20 Experience' is a more mature sound from Justin- his days crying by rivers are long LONG gone. Fans have grown up a lot since his last album 'Future Sex/Lovesounds' in 2006 (7 years!!) and music has moved along too, so Justin had to find a fine line between great pop songs and keeping the huge fan base he's had for over a decade and he has managed to not only do that, but encourage a whole new wave of fans- older ladies! My Mum is now a huge fan saying (and I quote) "Justin Timberlake's music is a lot more mature now. I like it". Woah. Not sure I can handle that Venn diagram of love for Justin between us.

Unfortunetly, I'm yet to hear the whole album but by the two songs he's already released 'Suit and Tie' ft Jay-Z and 'Mirrors' his music (and let's face it Justin himself) just ooze sexy, cool, sophisticated, mature...
I'm loving the return to old school RnB with the sweet falsetto melodies Justin's famous for.
I can't wait to hear the rest of his album I can tell it's going to be huge!! All the best of luck with it Justin!

PS. Justin, if you're reading this...marry me? #nobiel

Here's his BRITs performance for 'Mirrors'. There is no excuse for anyone to have missed this. No. Excuse.

Wednesday 13 March 2013


Here's a list of 10 of my all time faveee worship songs. If yours aren't on here, feel free to comment below with what you consider to be yours!!

This is in no particular order:

1. Oceans (Where Feet May Fall)-Hillsong United (From the album Zion, 2013)
WHY? Outstandingly beautiful lyrics from Reuben "The Lyric Powerhouse" Morgan. I know, I know, "it's just been released, how can it already be your favourite OF ALL TIME"? Well, just trust me on this one. It's gonna blow you away.
FAVE LINE: "My soul will rest in Your embrace, for I am Yours and You are mine" and "In oceans deep my faith will stand" AND "Your grace abounds in deepest waters"  (OK, so every lyric is my favourite...and what)

LISTEN HERE Oh, and buy the album. It is sooo #annointed ;)

2. 10,00 Reasons (Bless the Lord)- Matt Redman (From album 10,000 Reasons, 2011)
WHY? Matt Redman was the first artist I listened to before I became a Christian, so his songs have a special resonance with me. Anyway, this is just a great and powerful song inspired by the Psalms- so big up to King David for inspiring such a great song!! :D  
FAVE LINE(S): "And on the day when my strength is failing, the end draws near and my time has come, still my soul will sing your praise unending...ten thousand years and then forver moreeee"

3. I Desire Jesus- Hillsong Live (Cornerstone album, 2012)
WHY? Honest, simple lyrics that I personally could really relate to. Not to get too bogged down with the nitty gritty of the faith but it's something that once you become a Christian, you really feel your heart and soul lift to when you hear it. Or maybe it's just me.
FAVE LINE(S): "You are worthy of all honour, all glory to Your name" and "I desire Jesus, oh His name my soul esteem" 

4. Worthy is the Lamb- Brooklyn Tabernacle choir (no idea if it's on any albums- if you know, give me a shout!)
WHY? There are so many covers and versions of this classic including the phenomenal Darlene Zschech! But I don't know, this version just resonates with me. My Mum is a huge fan of The BTC and showed me this version- (yes, my Mum can use YouTube...just about). I love Love LOVE it and even blast it on the revision playlist! Have a listen, you will not be disappointed.
FAVE LINE(S): "High and lifted up, Jesus Son of God. The treasure of heaven crucified" 

4. God be Praised-New Life Worship (from album Light up the world, Desperation band, 2009)
WHY? My friend Rhoda (shoutout to my home girrrllll) introduced me to this thing yeah. What it is is a group of worship peeps do covers of songs and stuff and I was just blown away by this cover. Ever since then, manz has been obsessed. I've even got to the point where I know the time of it on the YouTube clip and just skip to it automatically. I know. I've got a problem. Have a listen to the original and then judge me!
FAVE LINE(S): "God be praised, all the glory to Your awesome name!"

5. Our God Reigns-Delirious?
WHY? First heard this at 'A Cause to Life For' conference with Vineyard last year. Never looked back. What an awesome band!
FAVE LINE(S): "Forever Your kingdom reigns"

6. Ancient of Days- Ron Kenoly
WHY? Two words: ABSOLUTE. BANGER. Takes me back to my charismatic days as a kid when I'd love to just mime along- no idea what all the grown-ups were singing at all. All I knew is that I loved the music, the stage would just be jamming hard! Our choir was amazing and some cool guys got to play trumpets and brass instruments! This song (and Days of Elijah) for me was like Christmas, birthdays and Easter rolled into one. #oldschool
FAVE LINE(S): "Your kingdom shall reign over all the earth, be unto the ancient of days!"
Just watch it here and you'll get the picture. Absolute beaut of a song.

7. Shout to the Lord- Darlene Zschech
WHY? This is just a total classic with annointed lyrics.
FAVE LINE(S): "..tower of refuge and strength, let every breath, all that I am, never cease to worship you"

8. Spirit Break Out- Tim Hughes (Worship Central)
WHY? First heard it at Pentecost last year with Hillsong, Holy Trinity Brompton (tried to keep an eye out for Proudlock and Kimberley, sadly neither were to be seen) and it blew me away. I'm a converted Worship Central fangirl now! *screams Tim Hughes*
FAVE LINE(S): "Our father, all of heaven roars your name, sing louder let this place erupt with praise...can you hear it? The sound of heaven touching earth"

9. Fiery Love- Sam Lane, Vineyard Records (from The Fire album, 2013)
WHY? Lord have mercy, could this song be any better? What? In love. We sing this at church like every week and every week it's just phenomenal. Would've loved to see Sam Lane perform it live at #ACTLF last year!
FAVE LINE(S): "Lift me from my grave and hold me up"

10. Agnus Dei- Michael W Smith
WHY? This song is never ending. It is just a beautiful proclamation of what's probably being sung in heaven. WOAH, DID I JUST GO THERE? Yes. I did. #sorrynotsorry
FAVE LINE(S): "Holy are you Lord God, Almighty"

11. Awesome God- Kirk Franklin (couldn't narrow it down to just 10!!)
WHY? This just makes me wanna salsa dance through the isles and swing my hips in a highly inappropriate manner for a church service. It's one of those amazing "get up and dance and worship" songs that remind me of a childhood in a huge charismatic church!
FAVE LINE(S): "You're marvellous and you're glorious, your love has made me victorious"

Comment below what your favourites are in your top 10 worship songs! :)

Wednesday 6 March 2013

My Springtime Playlist :)

I'm sure I'm not the only one who creates a playlist on their iPod for each of the seasons? You know what I mean? Songs that remind you of Winter- those dark haunting vocals of Ben Howard with the occasional christmas song thrown in? Or Summer playlists- filled with Flo-Rida, Rihanna and David Guetta's tunes and songs that make you wanna get up, cocktail/can of cider/beer/Pimms in tow and dance around the beach/festival or more likely, your bedroom?

Well, MARCH IS HERE. Thank God for that. I was sick and tired of snow, cold, Lemsip and layering out my clothes. Now, I'm ready for Spring- the fresh colours, warm(er) days and erm cleaning? No.

So here are a few songs I am currently (no, seriously- as I'm making this I've actually got this playlist on in thee background-bliss) that are so Springtimey it's bound to make you get up, eat an Easter egg and start cleaning your room. I'm serious. It's filthy. Go clean it. Now.

Tom Odell- Hold Me (omg, on repeat...FOREVER)

Haim- Better Off

Lianna LaHavas- Tease Me

Dido- Life For Rent

McFly-Love is Easy

Mika- We Are Golden (where is he now?)

King Charles ft. Mumford and Sons- Brightest Lights

Of Monsters and Men- Little Talks